Visi :

“Terwujudnya Masyarakat Kabupaten Sintang Yang Cerdas, Sehat, Maju, Religius Dan Sejahtera, Yang Didukung Penerapan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Yang Baik Dan Bersih Pada Tahun 2026”

Misi :

    1. Melaksanakanpembangunan pendidikan berkualitas yang berakar pada budaya lokal.
    2. Melaksanakanpembangunan kesehatan yang menyeluruh, adil dan terjangkau bagi masyarakat.
    3. Mengoptimalkanpenyediaan infrastruktur dasar guna pengembangan potensi ekonomi dan sumber daya daerah.
    4. Mengembangkanekonomi kerakyatan berbasis pedesaan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
    5. Meningkatkanpemahaman, penghayatan dan pengamalan agama dalam kehidupan sosial.
    6. Menata dan mengembangkan manajemen pemerintah daerah yang sesuai dengan prinsip tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih.
The examination populace incorporated all EFL students of the two sexual orientations contemplating Writing IV, an upper-transitional scholarly writing class. The example likewise incorporated all instructors associated with the educating of Writing IV. The student members were recommended you read essays and researches that haphazardly chosen and were practically identical as far as statistic and social foundations, encounters and frames of mind toward scholarly writing, and specialized capability just as scholastic achievement in recently finished writing courses. Subjective information investigation strategies were utilized to consider the exploration sub-questions looking at how members of the two sexual orientations use CMC to learn scholastic writing. This examination investigated two parts of online education correspondence: the particular language capacities used by students in their writing e-classes and their focal point of consideration. These perspectives are examined beneath in more detail and are trailed by an outline of the composite discoveries.